Tuesday 30 December 2008

It's rather interesting...

This will definitely be the last post of the year of the "It's".

Well... A week at my parents went pretty much exactly as I'd expected. Other that to discover that my parents are scared of me... Very odd... My father took it upon himself to tell my better half that he though she was drinking too much, which ended in her in tears in the bathroom. When asked what he had said to her, my mother jumped in to say that it had been her... A blatant lie, but I guess she jumped in thinking I was going to lose my rag and hit him or something. Instead, I calmly asked what his side of the story was, and pointed out that the reason she was drinking was that she was being flat-out ignored by him at every turn. To which he went into a huff for the remainder of the week. My mother and I talked to my wife and managed to smooth things out so that a very strained cease-fire prevailed for the rest of the week.

It was a particularly cathartic trip for me as I went for a walkabout around my old neighborhood and took a lot of photos. This was me saying goodbye to the place, as I had gone to my parents fully intending never to return. My decision was wholly validated by my parents' abysmal behaviour. My wife, who for the last 6 years has tried to bridge the gap between my family and I, has now come to see that it's actually better to leave them to it and get on with our own lives.

Due to all of this, my computing activities have not been particularly exciting over the festive season. The only thing of note was borrowing a Linux book from about 15 year's ago from my wife's dad. It's wonderful to read on account of it saying things like: 'Ensure you have at least 20 meg of RAM before installing.....'

So... With some personal demons laid to rest... The future looks bright.

Looking forward to the year of the "So..."

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