Monday 3 November 2008

It's all over for another year.

Halloween is once again done and gone. It was, as always, immense fun. We had a big party round at ours with loads of people getting dressed up (the prevailing theme of the year appears to be Zombie Pirates) and having a laugh. There was much bobbing for apples and eating of treacle tart, along with the customary imbibing of alchohol.

I actually had a whole week off from work too, which was definitely needed. I took my daughter to both the Natural History Museum and the Science Museum in London and I have to say that I enjoyed the Science museum a lot more. Aside from the myriad old computery gadgets lying around there seemed to be a lot more to actually get your hands on and do. The Listening Post is a particularly good exhibit and well worth a look if you're in the museum.

Back at work as of today and I've applied for my job on a permanent basis now, so fingers crosssed!

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