Thursday, 6 March 2008

It's not the best of ideas...

... to let me drink a lot of alcohol and then post a blog. Or indeed let me anywhere near a computer.

Although there is much ranting to be done.

Not only have I been working my ass off for this interview on Friday by getting the database and GUI sorted for my RPGManager, but I've also has the most amazing idea for two screenplays. The first is a drama about a guy suffering from Depression, Sleep Deprivation and Multiple Personality Disorder and the second is a super-hero movie.

I won't go into details just yet, but when I've got something sorted I will post it.

I need a cigarette...

... That's better.

I turn thirty-one on Saturday and it is my ardent wish that I will actually get a job for which I am better suited than my current one. I am a geek, that is what I do best... For God's sake, I just bought a binary watch...

I'm actually going to see my parents on my birthday too, for the first time in 10 years. My mother and I share a birthday (probably the least welcome present she ever had... A nine and a half pound baby) and the last time we saw each other on our birthday was my twenty-first... There is a weird palindromic co-incidence there too, but I'll explain that at a later date.

Wish me luck with the interview...

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