Friday, 14 March 2008

It's all getting a bit too much...

I've applied for a load of new jobs, I've worked my arse off and so far to no avail.

Hopefully something will pan out soon.

I ran into some weird problems recently in Linux. My webcam works when I use luvcview but does not work using gqcam or skype for linux. I spent a long time trying to solve this, and haven't quite managed it yet. It appears to be some problem with v4l and v4l2 which I can't quite work out. There also seems to be some problem getting the cam to work using mplayer. I've tried a few workarounds, but no results yet.

Admittedly, having only used linux for a few months, I may not see the problem straight away, but my computer sense is tingling and tells me I should be able to solve it.

I've also had to make a tough decision of late as to whether I'll keep playing city of heroes or keep roleplaying. A tough choice, but COH eventually won. It's not good being in a situation where you actually have to make that coice as I enjoy both equally.

Beowulf is out on Monday. Been looking forward to that for ages now. Mr Gaiman, I doff my cap to you sir.

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