Wednesday, 28 May 2008

It's all change on the West Oxfordshire front...

So... Out with the old and in with the new.

I'm thouroughly enjoying my new job. I actually get to use my brain for a change. You've no idea how liberating it is after four years of mind-numbing task.

So far I've updated a section of a website using Websphere Portal and Content Management System, which is clunky and buggy but generally works. There are a few odd quirks in it where it occasionally loses all the content that you've been working on and you have to quickly grab it from the live site and paste it back in before you lose the info. I've also written a batch file to convert a directory of jpegs into gifs using imagemagick. The way they were doing it in photoshop was taking hours. If you want to use it, you'll need imagemagick installed and then paste the following into notepad:

ECHO This file converts all jpegs to gifs in the current directory
ECHO If this is your intention then hit any key, otherwise close this window.
ECHO Converting

mogrify -format gif *.jpg

ECHO Done.
ECHO Deleting original jpegs

del *.jpg

ECHO Done.

Then save that as ConvertJPG2GIF.bat ; copy it into the desired folder and run it.

I've finally taken my CBT as well and got myself a little Yamaha SR125 for scooting through to uni on. It's a lovely maroon colour and, despite a few hitches including dog biscuits in the air filter and a flat battery, it runs like a dream. YAY!!!